Influenster Lover!

Sunday, May 25, 2014

The Controversial Parenting Tag!

The Topics: 

Pro-life Vs. Pro-choice: I am pro-choice. It's my body and I should be able to do as I please, to a certain point.

Baby Wearing: I carried my kids everywhere. When they cried I held them. Nothing wrong with carrying your baby around.

Circumcision: Agree on this. Both my boys were circumcised. 

Adoption: I am for adoption. What a wonderful thing for couples to due who can't have to children to give one a good home! I've often thought about being a surrogate for a couple who can't have children. 

Baby Piercing: I had my ears pierced at 6 weeks old but my oldest son I let him decide and had his pierced at the age of 13. My youngest son wants nothing to do with it. I don't think that I would have pierced their ears as a baby.

Breast Milk Vs. Formula: Either is fine. In my case I used formula because my breast milk would not come out and I could not feed my children.

Spanking: I'm for it. I do believe in stopping spanking at the age of 5. I spanked both my boys and they're fine. I was spanked as a child and I'm fine. Just no belts or other objects should be used.

Co-sleeping: I never really let my children sleep with me. Only for one reason. They moved too much! I slept with my mother as a child. Nothing wrong with it.

Home Vs. Public Vs. Private Vs. Charter Schooling: Whatever suits your child, your family, and your beliefs is what's right. Both my sons went to public school but then changed to online schooling. My 10 year old currently does online schooling. 

Vaccinations: For them. Both my children have been vaccinated. 

Medicating Children: Against it for ADD and ADHD reasons. Both my boys are ADHD and I've seen the side affects of the medication and it's horrible. For more serious causes medication may need to be used but not for ADD or ADHD.

Cloth Vs. Disposable diapers: Uhhhh, don't really care either way. I used disposable. Just an easier cleanup. 

Cry It Out Method: For it. I don't believe in giving into a child because they're throwing a fit or refusing to do something. I always let them cry it out.

Sooo, there ya go. Some may agree. Some may not. That's okay. I'm not here to judge anyone.

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