Saw this cute tag from mollymommaof3boys! Check out her channel!
1. Hot Dog or Hamburger:
Hamburger with everything but pickles!
2. Beer or Wine:
I'm a wine girl I can't stand beer. I won't even kiss my husband if he's had a beer.
3. Coffee or Tea:
Both but I drink tea most of the day.
4. Pepsi or Coke:
I drink both but prefer Pepsi!
5. Chocolate or Vanilla:
Chocolate all the way!
6. Cone or Cup:
Cone! My mom and I used to buy ice cream and cones to snack on at home. :)
7. Black or Green Olives:
Black olives. I can't stand green olives. They tend to take my breath away.
8. McDonalds or Burger King:
Burger King. Flame broiled, baby! Although McD's has the best fries!
9. Lipstick or Lip Gloss:
Lipstick. Love that strong color!
10. Glasses or Contacts:
Glasses. My eyes are too sensitive for contacts.
11. Piercings or Tattoos:
Tattoos. I have 4 so far and am getting 2 more.
12. Shorts or Capris:
Capris. You don't wanna see this in shorts. Trust me!
13. Underwear or Commando:
Underwear. I hate the feeling of wearing jeans without them!
14. Paper or Plastic:
Doesn't really matter. Plastic I can reuse for garbage.
15. Silver or Gold:
Silver. Just screams classy!
16. Bath or Shower:
Shower. Sometimes I'll sit on the shower floor and let it flow over me. Hate baths. Feels like I'm sitting in dirty water.
17. Car or SUV:
SUV. Meets my family needs. And bigger is better! Yes, I just went there.
18. Dogs or Cats:
Dogs. I have a cat but I want a Doberman!
19. TV or Radio:
Neither. I find it disturbing noise.
20. MAC or PC:
PC. MAC is too limited.
21. Elliptical or Treadmill:
Treadmill. I can pace myself better.
22. Pretty in Pink or The breakfast club:
Neither. Hate those movies.
N'Sync. Went to their concert and loved it! Loved NKOTB back in the day.
24. GAGA or Madonna:
Gaga. Her music is just better.
25. Star Wars or Star Trek:
Not a big fan of either but I'll say Star Wars.
26. Gwen or Fergie:
Gwen. She's an innovator!
27. Alien or Predator:
Predator. Much scarier.
28. Jason or Freddy:
Freddy! Funny and frightening at the same time.
29. Batman or Superman:
Batman. Love the suit and loved Christian Bale!
30 Disney or Warner Brothers:
Disney! I'm a kid at heart for Disney movies.
31. Snow White or Cinderella:
Cinderella. Classic story of rags to riches.
32 Vampires or Zombies:
Vampires for the sake of what they are perceived to be. Sexy, strong, good looking. But I love The Walking Dead!
33 True Blood Or Vampire Diaries:
Neither. I've never watched either.
34. Brad Pitt or Ben Affleck:
Ben Affleck. Don't care for blondes.
35. Jay Leno or Craig Ferguson:
Jay Leno. Much funnier!
36. Giada or Rachel Ray:
Rachel Ray. She can be funny and goofy.
37, Christmas or birthday:
I have to choose??? Christmas. The spirit and excitement is contagious!
38. Beavis or Butthead:
Neither. Hated the show.
39. Team Edward or Team Jacob:
Edward! Goes along with what I said about vampires.
40. A real book or kindle:
Real book. Sometimes I hate technology.
41. Aidan or Big:
Never watched Sex in the City.
42. Coffee Pot or Keurig:
Keurig. Love my K Cups!
43. Iphone or Android:
Android. Never owned an Iphone soooo......
44. Summer or Winter:
Winter. It's easier to get warm than to get cool.
45 Will and grace or friends:
Friends. I love Chandler!
46. Walmart or target:
Target. No buttcracks hanging out or dirty pajamas walking around. Plus a bit better quality!
47. Mickey or Minnie:
Mickey. He's so lovable!
48. Bungee Jump or Skydive:
Skydive! I've always wanted to try both but I really want to skydive!
49. Football or baseball:
Football. Men in tight pants. That is all.......
50. Facebook or twitter:
Twitter. Actually prefer Instagram but Twitter comes second over Facebook.
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